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Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
You can check the attachment for a full view..More shots with final designs coming soon.
This is a proposal to add value to a crowdfunding listing pagewe streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
대구혁신도시 이전사업의 일환으로 연면적 21,672.42㎡, 지상 10층, 지하 1층의 에너지 효율은 1등급 건물로 1년에 ㎡당 232.9 Kwh를 절감할 수있다. 신재생에너지사용비율은 총 14.2%로 기준 10% 이상이다. 지열 설비를 1014.13Kw 설치해 1년에 149만3205Kw를 생산할 수 있다. 태양광 발전설비도 30Kw를 설치해 연간 25만1366Kw 생산이 가능하다. 건물 전체의 85.6%에 LED 조명을 적용했다. 외벽 유리 또한 3중 코팅을 통해 에너지 절감률을 높였다. 통합전력 조명제어 시스켐과 전영교환기도 적용했다. 사무실 재실감지 및 포토센서를 적용해 새나가는 전력을 막았다. 이로서 2015년 고효율 친환경 건축기자재대상 공공건축부분 환경부장관상을 받았다.
As a relocation project for the Daegu Innovation City, the Korea Industrial Complex has a total area of 21,672.42㎡ with 10 storeys and a basement floor. The architecture has been graded the top in its energy efficiency and could save 232.9 Kwh for every square meter in a year. The usage of new renewable energy is approximately 14.2% which is much higher than the 10% standard. A geothermal facility that has a capacity of 1014.13Kw is also equipped which could in turn, generate 1,493,205Kw a year.The solar panels, with a capacity of 30Kw, could also produce 251,366Kw a year.LEDlightings are adopted for more than 85.6% of the entire building.The exterior glasses have been laminated three times and thus, improves the energy efficiency further.An integrated light control system and a transmitter is also applied. The sensors could automatically detect people in the office and a photo-sensor is applied so that energy loss could be prevented.Through these technological efforts, the architecture has received an award from the Minister of Environment in the field of public architecture.
#2010, #대전광역시, #업무시설, #CM, #2013, #준공, #Office Building