평택시의 드넓은 평야를 연상시키는 수평적 이미지와 평택시의 시조인 백로의 역동적인 날갯짓을 연상시키는 형태를 두 시설에 적용하여 전체적으로 통일감을 주었다. 기능을 고려한 공간별 창면적 비율 조절을 통해 쾌적한 실내환경과 에너지 절감을 계획하였다.복지타운 정면에 인접한 38번 국도의 소음을 차단하고 남향의 일사량을 조절하기 위해 알루미늄 타공 패널을 이용한 차양장치를 계획하였다. 지형의 레벨차를 이용하여 입체적으로 동선을 계획하였다. 복지타운에서 노인시설은 이용자의 특성을 고려하여 도로레벨인 1층에 주 진출입을 하도록 계획하였고, 여성시설은 주차장과 문화마당이 있는 지하 1층을 주 진출입으로 계획하였다. 실내체육관은 관람객과 선수의 동선을 분리시켰다. 도로레벨에서 2층 관람석으로 단차 없이 접근이 가능하고 동선을 최소화하여, 일반 관람객은 물론 휠체어 사용자의 편의를 고려하였다. 선수 동선은 버스 주차장에서 바로 선수대기실과 경기장과 가까이 배치시켜 단순화 시켰다. 주변 시설 및 공간 이용의 연계를 고려하였다. 옥외공간을 주변 시설과 공유할 수 있도록 배치하여 연계성을 확보하였다. 경사지형을 활용한 선큰 광장을 통해 지역 행사가 이루어지는 지역사회의 명소가 되도록 계획하였다. 각 시설을 연결하는 보행 데크를 설치하여, 복지타운과 실내체육관 간에 동선을 유기적으로 연결하는 통합적인 디자인을 계획하였다. The horizontal elevations of the buildings are meant to be reminiscent of the wide plains of Pyeongtaek and the form is meant to be expressive of large, dynamic wings, wings which act as the backbone of Pyeongtaek City. These unique aesthetic characteristics were applied to both building masses, creating a sense that the buildings as a whole are much more unified. We planned an energy saving indoor environment by adjusting the window area ratio based on the functions of the space. In order to block noise pollution from National Route 38, which is located just adjacent to the front of Welfare Town, and to control the amount of solar radiation, a perforated aluminum panel awning device has been implemented. We used the level difference of the terrain to plan circulation three dimensionally throughout the entirety of the site. Considering the many different characteristics of users, the entry/exit point to the elderly facilities are located on the first floor, which is the same as the road level, and the entry/exit point to the women's facilities are located on the basement floor, with access to the parking lot and cultural courtyard. Circulation for spectators and players have been separated in the Indoor Gymnasium. Taking into account the comfort of wheelchair users, as well as the general audience, we make access from the road level to the 2nd floor seats possible without the construction of any steps. The circulation of players has been simplified, as well, giving them direct access from the bus parking lot to the players' waiting room, as well as to the stadium itself. In terms of program arrangement, one thing we considered was the connection between the surrounding facilities, as well as the most efficient form of space utilization. We secured connectivity between the buildings by placing outdoor spaces in between them with the intention that these outdoor spaces would be shared by the surrounding facilities. By designing a sunken square that utilizes the sloped land, the place was programmed to turn into a landmark for the local community, allowing for different types of community events to be held. By installing ambulatory decks connecting each facility, we were able to integrate the design in an effort to organically connect the traffic line that exists between the Welfare Town and Indoor Gymnasium. |
평택시의 드넓은 평야를 연상시키는 수평적 이미지와 평택시의 시조인 백로의 역동적인 날갯짓을 연상시키는 형태를 두 시설에 적용하여 전체적으로 통일감을 주었다. 기능을 고려한 공간별 창면적 비율 조절을 통해 쾌적한 실내환경과 에너지 절감을 계획하였다.복지타운 정면에 인접한 38번 국도의 소음을 차단하고 남향의 일사량을 조절하기 위해 알루미늄 타공 패널을 이용한 차양장치를 계획하였다. 지형의 레벨차를 이용하여 입체적으로 동선을 계획하였다. 복지타운에서 노인시설은 이용자의 특성을 고려하여 도로레벨인 1층에 주 진출입을 하도록 계획하였고, 여성시설은 주차장과 문화마당이 있는 지하 1층을 주 진출입으로 계획하였다. 실내체육관은 관람객과 선수의 동선을 분리시켰다. 도로레벨에서 2층 관람석으로 단차 없이 접근이 가능하고 동선을 최소화하여, 일반 관람객은 물론 휠체어 사용자의 편의를 고려하였다. 선수 동선은 버스 주차장에서 바로 선수대기실과 경기장과 가까이 배치시켜 단순화 시켰다. 주변 시설 및 공간 이용의 연계를 고려하였다. 옥외공간을 주변 시설과 공유할 수 있도록 배치하여 연계성을 확보하였다. 경사지형을 활용한 선큰 광장을 통해 지역 행사가 이루어지는 지역사회의 명소가 되도록 계획하였다. 각 시설을 연결하는 보행 데크를 설치하여, 복지타운과 실내체육관 간에 동선을 유기적으로 연결하는 통합적인 디자인을 계획하였다.
The horizontal elevations of the buildings are meant to be reminiscent of the wide plains of Pyeongtaek and the form is meant to be expressive of large, dynamic wings, wings which act as the backbone of Pyeongtaek City. These unique aesthetic characteristics were applied to both building masses, creating a sense that the buildings as a whole are much more unified. We planned an energy saving indoor environment by adjusting the window area ratio based on the functions of the space. In order to block noise pollution from National Route 38, which is located just adjacent to the front of Welfare Town, and to control the amount of solar radiation, a perforated aluminum panel awning device has been implemented. We used the level difference of the terrain to plan circulation three dimensionally throughout the entirety of the site. Considering the many different characteristics of users, the entry/exit point to the elderly facilities are located on the first floor, which is the same as the road level, and the entry/exit point to the women's facilities are located on the basement floor, with access to the parking lot and cultural courtyard. Circulation for spectators and players have been separated in the Indoor Gymnasium. Taking into account the comfort of wheelchair users, as well as the general audience, we make access from the road level to the 2nd floor seats possible without the construction of any steps. The circulation of players has been simplified, as well, giving them direct access from the bus parking lot to the players' waiting room, as well as to the stadium itself. In terms of program arrangement, one thing we considered was the connection between the surrounding facilities, as well as the most efficient form of space utilization. We secured connectivity between the buildings by placing outdoor spaces in between them with the intention that these outdoor spaces would be shared by the surrounding facilities. By designing a sunken square that utilizes the sloped land, the place was programmed to turn into a landmark for the local community, allowing for different types of community events to be held. By installing ambulatory decks connecting each facility, we were able to integrate the design in an effort to organically connect the traffic line that exists between the Welfare Town and Indoor Gymnasium.
[CONCEPT]17.03월호(215호)_서부복지타운 및 서부실내체육관, 대전지방국세청 청사
[건축세계]17.03월호(262호)_서부복지타운 및 서부실내체육관 건립공사
[건축세계]18.02월 단행본 의정부지방법원 남양주지원청사, 등기전산정보센터, 서부복지타운 및 실내체육관, 서울우유 신공장
#2017, #평택시, #복지시설, #체육시설, #근린생활시설, #설계, #Design, #Winner, #Sport Facilities, #Civic & Culture, #Pyeongtaek