전세대 100% 남향배치와 맞통풍 계획, 보다 넓은 통경축 확보 및 대규모 중앙광장과 선큰을 활용한 외부공간 계획을 통해 입주민의 거주성과 쾌적성을 높인 단지계획을 하였다. 햇살과 바람이 머무는 친환경 주거단지로서 충분한 자연지반 확보 및 미세먼지 저감을 위한 친자연적 옥외공간을 계획하였으며, 신재생에너지와 친환경주택으로서 에너지 효율을 극대화한 녹색주거단지를 구현하였다. 24시간 입주민의 편의와 건강을 밝히는 스마트 단지로서 IoT를 접목하여 생활편의, 생활건강, 생활안전, 생활에너지 등을 통합한 미래형 단지를 제안하였으며, 중앙광장과 선큰을 활용한 부대복리시설계획으로 입체적이고 연속적인 커뮤니티공간계획을 구현하였다. 공간의 효율과 실속을 위한 84Type(진건), 59Type(지금)을 기본으로 4Bay적용, 주방특화, 수납특화, 가변형평면, 알파룸 등 주거기본성능 강화 및 서비스면적 최대화를 통해 차별화된 생활공간을 제안하였다. All units are 100% located towards the South and cross ventilated, providing a better axis of view. Through the utilization of sunken spaces in the exterior plan, the habitability and comfortability are further enhanced in the plan of the complex. As an ecofriendly housing complex where the light and wind remains, the outdoor rest area is planned in a way that could reduce the fine dust from coming in and ensure the procurement of natural soil in the land. These efforts maximize the energy efficiency in the site and therefore, an ecofriendly housing complex that utilizes new renewable energies was possible. IoT technologies are adopted as a smart complex that enlightens the health and convenience of the users 24/7, proposing a futuristic complex that combines convenience, health, safety and energy.With the sunken space and the central square for common service facilities, a continuous community space plan was realized.For the efficiency and convenience, 4 Bay plan that is based on 84 type and 59 type was used.The basic functionality of housing was enhanced by servicing a space that ensures better storage spaces in the kitchen and the living room. Also, an alpha room and a flexible plan was adopted, maximizing the ratio of the service areas to its peak and thus, the place will provide a differentiated life space for its users.
전세대 100% 남향배치와 맞통풍 계획, 보다 넓은 통경축 확보 및 대규모 중앙광장과 선큰을 활용한 외부공간 계획을 통해 입주민의 거주성과 쾌적성을 높인 단지계획을 하였다. 햇살과 바람이 머무는 친환경 주거단지로서 충분한 자연지반 확보 및 미세먼지 저감을 위한 친자연적 옥외공간을 계획하였으며, 신재생에너지와 친환경주택으로서 에너지 효율을 극대화한 녹색주거단지를 구현하였다. 24시간 입주민의 편의와 건강을 밝히는 스마트 단지로서 IoT를 접목하여 생활편의, 생활건강, 생활안전, 생활에너지 등을 통합한 미래형 단지를 제안하였으며, 중앙광장과 선큰을 활용한 부대복리시설계획으로 입체적이고 연속적인 커뮤니티공간계획을 구현하였다. 공간의 효율과 실속을 위한 84Type(진건), 59Type(지금)을 기본으로 4Bay적용, 주방특화, 수납특화, 가변형평면, 알파룸 등 주거기본성능 강화 및 서비스면적 최대화를 통해 차별화된 생활공간을 제안하였다.
All units are 100% located towards the South and cross ventilated, providing a better axis of view. Through the utilization of sunken spaces in the exterior plan, the habitability and comfortability are further enhanced in the plan of the complex. As an ecofriendly housing complex where the light and wind remains, the outdoor rest area is planned in a way that could reduce the fine dust from coming in and ensure the procurement of natural soil in the land. These efforts maximize the energy efficiency in the site and therefore, an ecofriendly housing complex that utilizes new renewable energies was possible. IoT technologies are adopted as a smart complex that enlightens the health and convenience of the users 24/7, proposing a futuristic complex that combines convenience, health, safety and energy.With the sunken space and the central square for common service facilities, a continuous community space plan was realized.For the efficiency and convenience, 4 Bay plan that is based on 84 type and 59 type was used.The basic functionality of housing was enhanced by servicing a space that ensures better storage spaces in the kitchen and the living room. Also, an alpha room and a flexible plan was adopted, maximizing the ratio of the service areas to its peak and thus, the place will provide a differentiated life space for its users.
#2018, #Residential, #Winer,#Namyangju