“Universal-Tube_자연과 인간의 위대한 공존” 생태계의 지표인 철새가 생명을 품은 모습을 형상화하여 다음과 같이 계획하였다. 1. 멸종위기종인 노랑부리백로가 생명을 품고 있는 아름다운 모습을 형상화하여 호남권 생물자원의 고유성을 상징한 독특한 랜드마크로 계획하였다. 2. 수장, 연구시설과 교육, 체험시설을 효과적으로 분리하고 통합하는 U자형 인터렉티브 조닝으로 창조적 연구환경 조성을 위해 정온한 내부가든, 교류의 HUB 스페이스, 연구 피로도를 감소시키는 필터링 공간을 계획하였다. 3. 해안가 기류에 대응하는 유선형의 건물 형태로 연구실과 실험실의 충분한 떨어진 거리를 확보해 통풍을 원활하게 하고 딤플형 입면패턴 및 바람길에 순응하는 공간구성으로 자연환기를 극대화하는 쾌적한 연구환경을 계획하였다.
“Universal-Tube: The Great Coexistence between Nature and Human” The building form is inspired by the pattern of birds during migration, which is an important index of the ecosystem. Through the building’s composition, we tried to symbolize the beautiful imagery of a Chinese egret, an endangered species that nonetheless broods life. Through this figurative formalization, the building becomes embodied as a unique regional landmark, symbolizing the characteristics of biological resources in Honam. With the U-shaped interactive zoning of the building, the building’s form effectively divides and connects research facilities with the education facilities. In addition, an internal garden that is maintained at a fixed temperature is included to create a creative research environment, a HUB space for interaction, and a filtering space to help reduce stress levels of the building’s occupants. The streamlined shape of the building is created in response to the regional air current that stems from the nearby coast. The building also is planned to house a research environment which maximizes natural ventilation through a generous separation of space between the laboratories and various other facilities throughout the building. Finally, a dimple-type building facade patterning and unique space planning are both created in response to the local area’s wind path.
| 2015 |
| Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea |
| Business Facility |
| 120,000.00㎡ |
| 10,799.99㎡ |
| F3 |
| Public Procurement Services |
#2015, #목포시, #연구시설, #문화시설, #설계, #당선, #Winer, #Business Facility
“Universal-Tube_자연과 인간의 위대한 공존” 생태계의 지표인 철새가 생명을 품은 모습을 형상화하여 다음과 같이 계획하였다. 1. 멸종위기종인 노랑부리백로가 생명을 품고 있는 아름다운 모습을 형상화하여 호남권 생물자원의 고유성을 상징한 독특한 랜드마크로 계획하였다. 2. 수장, 연구시설과 교육, 체험시설을 효과적으로 분리하고 통합하는 U자형 인터렉티브 조닝으로 창조적 연구환경 조성을 위해 정온한 내부가든, 교류의 HUB 스페이스, 연구 피로도를 감소시키는 필터링 공간을 계획하였다. 3. 해안가 기류에 대응하는 유선형의 건물 형태로 연구실과 실험실의 충분한 떨어진 거리를 확보해 통풍을 원활하게 하고 딤플형 입면패턴 및 바람길에 순응하는 공간구성으로 자연환기를 극대화하는 쾌적한 연구환경을 계획하였다.
“Universal-Tube: The Great Coexistence between Nature and Human” The building form is inspired by the pattern of birds during migration, which is an important index of the ecosystem. Through the building’s composition, we tried to symbolize the beautiful imagery of a Chinese egret, an endangered species that nonetheless broods life. Through this figurative formalization, the building becomes embodied as a unique regional landmark, symbolizing the characteristics of biological resources in Honam. With the U-shaped interactive zoning of the building, the building’s form effectively divides and connects research facilities with the education facilities. In addition, an internal garden that is maintained at a fixed temperature is included to create a creative research environment, a HUB space for interaction, and a filtering space to help reduce stress levels of the building’s occupants. The streamlined shape of the building is created in response to the regional air current that stems from the nearby coast. The building also is planned to house a research environment which maximizes natural ventilation through a generous separation of space between the laboratories and various other facilities throughout the building. Finally, a dimple-type building facade patterning and unique space planning are both created in response to the local area’s wind path.
#2015, #목포시, #연구시설, #문화시설, #설계, #당선, #Winer, #Business Facility