시상일시: 2023.03.24.(금)
시상장소: 건설회관 2층 대회의실
주 최: 한국건설기술인협회
후 원:국토교통부, FCA대한건설단체총연합회
내 용: 국가경쟁력 제고 등 건설산업 발전에 기여
4세대 방사광가속기 등 국가 첨단 과학시설 건설사업을 성공적으로 수행하여 과학산업 발전에 공헌하였으며, 업계 최초로 다관절로봇을 건축설계에 접목하여 디자인의 다각화 및 혁신적 설계 프로세스를 구축하는 등 건설산업 발전에 기여하였다.
2023 건설기술인의 날 행사에서 ㈜행림종합건축사사무소 이용호 회장이 대통령 표창을 수상했습니다.
수상을 축하드립니다.
Awarded Date : 2023.03.24.(FRI)
Awarded Location : 2FL Conference room, Construction Association Bldg.
Organized by : Korea Construction Engineers Association
Sponsored by : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, The Federation of Construction Associations (FCA)
Content : Contribution to the development of the construction industry such as enhancing national competitiveness
President LEE has contributed not only to the development of the science industry by accomplishing national advanced science facilities construction such as the 4th generation synchrotron radiation accelerator, but also to the development of the construction industry such as diversification of designs and establishing innovative design processes by introducing an articulated robot arm to architectural design for the first time in the industry.
President LEE, Yongho of Haenglim Architecture & Engineering Co., LTD.
received the Presidential Award at the 2023 Architectural Engineers Day ceremony.
Date: Friday, March 24, 2023
Organized by: Korea Construction Engineers Association
시상일시: 2023.03.24.(금)
시상장소: 건설회관 2층 대회의실
주 최: 한국건설기술인협회
후 원:국토교통부, FCA대한건설단체총연합회
내 용: 국가경쟁력 제고 등 건설산업 발전에 기여
4세대 방사광가속기 등 국가 첨단 과학시설 건설사업을 성공적으로 수행하여 과학산업 발전에 공헌하였으며, 업계 최초로 다관절로봇을 건축설계에 접목하여 디자인의 다각화 및 혁신적 설계 프로세스를 구축하는 등 건설산업 발전에 기여하였다.
2023 건설기술인의 날 행사에서 ㈜행림종합건축사사무소 이용호 회장이 대통령 표창을 수상했습니다.
수상을 축하드립니다.
Awarded Date : 2023.03.24.(FRI)
Awarded Location : 2FL Conference room, Construction Association Bldg.
Organized by : Korea Construction Engineers Association
Sponsored by : Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, The Federation of Construction Associations (FCA)
Content : Contribution to the development of the construction industry such as enhancing national competitiveness
President LEE has contributed not only to the development of the science industry by accomplishing national advanced science facilities construction such as the 4th generation synchrotron radiation accelerator, but also to the development of the construction industry such as diversification of designs and establishing innovative design processes by introducing an articulated robot arm to architectural design for the first time in the industry.
President LEE, Yongho of Haenglim Architecture & Engineering Co., LTD.
received the Presidential Award at the 2023 Architectural Engineers Day ceremony.
Date: Friday, March 24, 2023
Organized by: Korea Construction Engineers Association